We offer two types of additional questions, "Fixed response" questions (see 1 - 20) and "Open response" questions (see A - H).

  1. Your age? (in years)
  2. Your gender?
  3. Your marital status?
  4. Your highest education level?
  5. How many people in your household use the Internet?
  6. For how long have you been using the Internet?
  7. How often do you use the Internet?
  8. How long do you typically spend on the Internet each time you use it?
  9. What do you mainly use the Internet for?
  10. When did you first use this web site?
  11. How often do you use this web site?
  12. How long do you typically spend on this web site each time you use it?
  13. What type of connection do you usually use to the Internet?
  14. Which country do you live in?
  15. In which part of the world do you live?
  16. What is your employment status?
  17. What is your profession?
  18. How did you first find this web site?
  19. From where do you most often access the Internet?
  20. From where do you most often access this web site?

  1. What were your main reasons for using this web site?
  2. Do you have any additional comments about the web site's ease of use?
  3. Is there anything you think is missing from this web site?
  4. Approximately how much is your yearly income?
  5. What help or support have you needed in using this web site?
  6. What part of this web site do you find most interesting or useful?
  7. Which language(s) do you feel comfortable with on Internet web sites?
  8. If you are interested in helping us further with improving this web site then please enter your email address:

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