Responses to open text questions wammi

Web Site: Demo WAMMI report
Date of Analysis: November 29, 2010
Number of Responses Analysed: 70

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The table on this page displays actual unedited comments each respondent made to the open question. If blank, no comment was made. The best way of looking at them is to read the comments and notice themes which occur regularly.

Content Analysis service at WAMMI.COM

WAMMI provides a popular additional service where respondents comments are sorted into a mangeable number of categories and presented according to percentage distribution and global usability scores. Examples of comments for each category are given in a written report. Please contact us for information about our Content Analysis Service.


"How could this webiste be improved?"

Respondent ID Comment
2 Ensure that you can select what language you want results of your search to be in e.g. only articles in English, by including a list of all animal species with their common and scientific names leading to a page of all links relevant to the species
4 Maybe some searchs takes a bit too long to complete.
5 none
9 Multiple columns of results
10 Easy way to filter out foreign language results
11 The overall design could be more modern..
12 explanation of the order of search results
14 Arranging results better
17 not sure?
18 no
19 Autocomplete would facilitate this search engine interface.
20 Just the look of the site would help.
21 The 'description' box did not always appear when hovering over the icons (e.g. images, documents etc.). When clicking to view an image on animalPix I was sent top a webpage that said this image does not exist.
23 Maybe when you click to seach after you have chosen the species maybe have another search bar/box to type in the name of the animal you want to look up.
24 Maybe with a selector of which country right from the beginning
26 Can't say I'd change anything honestly - it's damned impressive!
27 Please label the filters, and allow additional keywords to be added with the animal name, e.g. bear habitat.
28 Maybe it would be easier for people to use this portal if you have an "advance search" feature where they can specify what they really wanted to see or what they are searching for.
30 More links to searchbases
31 adding more sources of information, but probably this it's very difficult. I love drawings, never seen before. But the rest are redundant with Arkive information.
32 no way
33 i think that the search portal is good enough already
34 It could be a little quicker - data is slow to load.
36 At the moment i cannot think of anything.
38 By personalization as I mentioned before
39 - The icons reflecting the types of content are clear. However, the statement you see on the home pages: “What type of results would you like? All are selected by default, but you can remove types you don't want by clicking on them should also be visible in the search results page. - To make it even more clear that you have disabled a content type by clicking on an item, a cross through the icon would be even better. - When you click on an icon of a content type, it would be great if this would immediately activate the filter, instead of having to click on ‘Search’ again after disabling a content type. - I understand this is a search portal for younger users, but still, advanced search queries would be great. Now it is almost too simple. Reduction of search results by facets (such as the content type icons) would also be a vast improvement. The way it is now is that you get a huge list of hits when searching for ‘heron’ for example. By breaking down these results per facet (i.e. partner, keywords, language) search would be improved. - Thumnails for images and videos would be a great help. - Clustering search results per taxon concept would also be a good way of representing them. For instance, check out these results on the Internet animal Collection. - The example links in the Help section under ‘How do I search’ are broken. - The pages of the individual items are still a bit messy. Loads of different fonts, font colours and font sizes.
40 More explanation of where the results are being drawn from.
42 More obvious filtering options e.g. tick/cross when selected or deselected
44 When an image/video/specimen result is expanded, perhaps display a preview thumbnail if possible.
47 don't know
48 The "sort" menu should remain set to whichever mode is currently selected, as an indicator
54 Categorization of the end search results, such as for example Audio/Images/Description/Other
56 I think it,s good enough
57 Image thumbnails (where applicable) of search results?
58 There could be more photo's or illustrations grouped together when you search for just that option
59 don't see that it needs any, yet.
60 There appear to be a few glitches when using the search filters. For instance, I looked up barred owl and clicked on sounds. A bunch of photos came up in the search results. Upon clicking another filter, the sounds I was looking for in the first place came up in the results.
64 A better layout would perhaps be more appealing
65 haven't used this portal enough to have ideas for improvement yet, overall I like what I've seen so far
66 e-mail notifications
67 An option to see image thumbnails in the search results would be nice (if that feature's already there and I missed it... sorry!)

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