WAMMI is used mainly in five key scenarios to measure user experience.
Scenario 1 - Benchmark your website
WAMMI measures how users experience your website (benchmarking) and how they think it could be improved. it also provides you with a clearer understanding of the types of visitors that come to your site and why they visit it.
This is the most common type of WAMMI evaluation and is suitable for any kind of website at any time no matter how complex. We recommend that website user experience be measured at least once a year, or shortly after changes/improvements have been made.
Visitors to your site simply complete the standard WAMMI questionnaire plus any additional questions you care to ask. We can assist in selecting additional questions to suit your business needs.
When there are sufficient responses, usually after about two weeks, the evaluation is terminated. You will receive an electronic report within two working days. The report benchmarks how well your site performs compared with values in our reference database and are presented in the WAMMI profile results and the Global Usability Score (GUS). More detailed analysis can be made by statement analysis and from visitor feedback about the changes and improvements made.
Scenario 2 - Using WAMMI regularly
It's now common that websites and their target markets are changing constantly. In this scenario, user reactions to your website are measured and tracked regularly, perhaps two to three times a year.
Visitors to your site complete the standard WAMMI questionnaire plus any additional questions you care to ask. The survey can run in the same format on each evaluation occassion, or the additional questions can be modified based on results from the previous evaluation, revised information requirements or new trends.
Regular measurement enables you to track visitor reactions over time by comparing WAMMI profiles and Global Usability Scores (GUS). It will also provide you with regular visitor feedback about the changes and improvements made.
Scenario 3 - Bechmark your Intranet
WAMMI has been extended to measure and analyse user reactions to your corporate Intranet. If Intranet users do not have access to the Internet, we can support a solution whereby data is collected internally and then put into a spreadsheet or database and sent to us for analysis. However, this may involve extra cost.
Intranet evaluations should be conducted annually for best results and can be easily customised with additional questions to your specification. The evaluation usually takes two weeks. Your Intranet users will quickly complete our Intranet version of the WAMMI questionnaire plus any other additional questions you care to choose.
When there are sufficient responses, you will receive a full electronic report (demo version) within two working days adapted to the Intranet scenario and where your results will be compared to our Intranet database.
Interested in using WAMMI to evaluate your Intranet? Please contact Nigel Claridge.
Scenario 4 - During development work
When used during development, such as testing solutions with typical users, WAMMI is a good predictor of how users will experience the website once launched. WAMMI can also be used for comparative analysis of competitive sites.
Users can fill in the WAMMI statements directly after they have completed the tasks in the test, or after a walkthrough or presentation. You will receive an electronic report within two working days after test completion.
We offer competitive terms to any organisation using WAMMI during testing activities. The price is 500 Euros per test activity. Discounts will apply to multiple use.
Using WAMMI this way should complement a full website evaluation, not replace it. There are some restricions to using WAMMI in this context:
Participant numbers are generally restricted to 30.
Usage is limited to development activity duration.
Survey includes only the 20 statement questionnaire but TestID/UserID/further questions may be added.
WAMMI can be administered manually (paper and pencil) but the most effeicient way is to complete the survey online connected directly to the WAMMI server.
Each response is referenced for future statistical analysis.
Interested in using WAMMI during development activites? Please contact Nigel Claridge.
Scenario 5 - Educational usage
We offer special terms for universities and institutions wishing to use WAMMI. Students and teachers may apply to use WAMMI for teaching and learning purposes.
If you are a student, apply to use WAMMI on a student project. This must be a bona fide student project solely for academic purposes.
Although you are encouraged to to publish your findings, under no circumstance may your WAMMI results be wholly or partly sold to a third-party client.
If you are a tutor or lecturer, you may also apply to use WAMMI for genuine class exercises that are solely for teaching purposes.
Please click here for further instructions about terms and conditions for using WAMMI for educational purposes.
Interested in using WAMMI for educational purposes? Please contact Jurek Kirakowski